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Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Things change.

Whether we want them to or not...things tend to change on us. Sometimes it just happens out of the blue. Can knock us down when we finally got the strength to stand. Sometimes it's just bothersome and you wonder how it happened.

It seems like my friend & I,  we're changing. It feels like I just bother her. I'm trying not to. But she does seem....different. I know I'm different. Maybe we're not good together when we're different.

I never thought I'd see myself knowing what an actual family is. But that changed. I now have a family to fight for. One I would risk my life for. Stick up for no matter what. Funny thing is, they're not blood related.

I thought I would never want kids. I've dealt with them all my life. But then again, here I am kinda wishing I was pregnant. I know I'd be a good mother. I know I have to wait, but I never thought I'd want them at all.

I never realized how much I changed untill I looked at myself in the mirror and read my old journal. It's amazing how things can come and sneak up like that. Maybe it's a good thing, maybe not. But I can't sit and find out. I have to live life because it's always changing and I don't want to miss any of it.

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